CASE # 3 Symptomatic prominent varicosities in left sheen.
Patient that had been followed in our practice noted to have worsening on the right lower extremity varicose veins. Now with symptoms. She was ashamed of wearing shorts due to the unsightly appearance of the varicose veins.
She had extensive reflux in the left greater saphenous vein on ultrasound. The varicose veins were feeding off the incompetent GSV. She underwent ablation of the GSV and at the same sitting and ambulatory phlebectomy of the varicosities. Two months later her symptoms had completely resolved and the results can be appreciated in the images below.
To the left is a picture of the varicosities as delineated prior to the procedure.




Contact us with any questions at:
Krome Centre - 950 N. Krome Avenue, Suite 202, Homestead, Florida 33030