This patient is a work in progress. He presented with extensive, large varicosities in areas with a high propensity for trauma like the one shown below in the inner aspect of the calf near the knee. he also had heaviness in the lower extremities when standing up.
The ultrasound revealed severe reflux in both greater saphenous veins and also a perforating vein in the right thigh. He initially underwent ablation of the perforating vein in one session and on a second one ablation of the right GSV and phlebectomy of the varicosities, The images below show the results on the right leg. The left lower extremity had also reflux on the GSV and will be treated soon along with a phlebectomy. Once done we will post the results.
This is an US image on this patient showing the perforator vein which was connecting the deep system with the superficial vein (GSV). This was the main reason for his reflux. This vein was closed using the Venefit procedure. |